why do babies cry in their sleep

Why Do Babies Cry In Their Sleep: When To Worry & Relax?

Sleep is a crucial aspect of a baby’s development, providing the rest they need to grow and thrive. However, many parents find themselves puzzled and concerned when their baby cries during sleep. Understanding the reasons behind these nocturnal tears can help parents manage these moments with confidence & care.

Babies cry in their sleep for various reasons, ranging from normal developmental processes to physical discomforts and emotional factors. Sleep cycles, particularly the transition between different stages of sleep, can trigger crying.

When parents need additional guidance or reassurance, SOCC (Second Opinion Online Consultation for Children) can be invaluable. SOCC connects parents with pediatric experts through convenient online consultations, offering professional advice and support right from the comfort of home. 

Why Do Babies Cry In Their Sleep? 10 Common Reasons

why do babies cry in their sleep

Understanding why babies cry in their sleep can help parents better respond to their needs and ensure their little ones get the rest they require. Here are some common reasons why babies might cry during sleep:

1. Hunger

  • Frequent Feeding Needs: Babies have small stomachs and require frequent feedings, including during the night. If they wake up hungry, they will cry to signal their need for food.
  • Growth Spurts: During periods of rapid growth, babies may need to feed more often, which can disrupt their sleep.

2. Discomfort

  • Wet Or Dirty Diapers: A soiled diaper can cause discomfort and wake a baby, leading to crying. Regularly checking and changing diapers can help alleviate this issue.
  • Tight Clothing Or Swaddling: Clothes or swaddles that are too tight can restrict movement and cause discomfort. Ensuring a snug but not too tight fit can help.
  • Uncomfortable Sleeping Position: Babies might shift into uncomfortable positions while sleeping and cry until they are repositioned.

3. Teething Pain

  • Emerging Teeth: The process of teeth breaking through the gums can be painful and often disrupts sleep. Babies might cry due to the discomfort.
  • Symptoms Of Teething: Other signs of teething, like drooling and gum rubbing, can accompany sleep disturbances.

4. Nightmares Or Night Terrors

  • Disturbing Dreams: While less common in very young infants, older babies can experience nightmares that cause them to cry out in their sleep.
  • Night Terrors: These are intense episodes of fear during deep sleep, causing the baby to cry and appear distressed.

5. Illness Or Pain

  • Ear Infections: These are common in infants and can cause significant pain, especially when lying down, leading to crying.
  • Colic: Persistent crying due to colic often peaks in the late afternoon or evening but can also disrupt nighttime sleep.
  • General Illness: Other illnesses, such as colds or stomach issues, can cause discomfort and wake a baby at night.

6. Temperature Sensitivity

  • Overheating Or Chilling: Babies are sensitive to temperature changes. If they are too hot or too cold, they might wake up crying.
  • Appropriate Bedding: Ensuring the baby is dressed appropriately for the sleep environment can help maintain a comfortable temperature.

7. Need For Comfort

  • Separation Anxiety: Around six months of age, babies can develop separation anxiety and may cry when they realize their parents are not nearby.
  • Need for Reassurance: Some babies simply need the comfort of a parent’s presence, touch, or voice to feel secure enough to sleep soundly.

8. Overstimulation

  • Busy Day: An overstimulating day filled with new experiences, sights, and sounds can make it harder for babies to settle down and sleep peacefully.
  • Difficulty Self-Soothing: Overstimulated babies may struggle to calm themselves and may cry as a result.

9. Growth Spurts

  • Increased Hunger & Restlessness: During growth spurts, babies may feel hungrier and more restless, leading to more frequent waking and crying.
  • Changes In Sleep Patterns: Growth spurts can temporarily disrupt a baby’s regular sleep routine.

10. Sleep Regression

  • Developmental Milestones: As babies reach new developmental milestones, their sleep patterns can change. This can include periods of sleep regression where they wake more often and cry.
  • Temporary Disruptions: These phases are usually temporary but can be challenging for both babies and parents.

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Identifying Normal vs. Concerning Crying

Crying is an important and natural way for babies to communicate their needs and emotions.  However, distinguishing between normal crying patterns and concerning signs can be crucial for caregivers. Here’s how to tell the difference between the two:

Normal Crying:

  1. Hunger: Babies often cry when they’re hungry, signaling their need for nourishment. This type of crying is typically rhythmic and may be accompanied by rooting or sucking motions.
  2. Discomfort: Wet diapers, tight clothing, or uncomfortable temperatures can cause babies to cry. Checking and addressing these basic needs can often soothe them quickly.
  3. Fatigue: Overtiredness can lead to fussiness and crying in babies. Providing a calm, soothing environment for sleep can help prevent and alleviate crying associated with fatigue.
  4. Colic: Some babies experience episodes of intense crying, known as colic, usually in the late afternoon or evening. While distressing, colic typically resolves on its own by three to four months of age.

Concerning Crying:

  1. Persistent Crying: If your baby cries excessively and inconsolably for extended periods, it could be a sign of underlying discomfort or illness. Trust your instincts and consult with a healthcare professional if you’re concerned.
  2. High-Pitched Crying: A high-pitched or shrill cry, especially when accompanied by other symptoms like fever or lethargy, may indicate an underlying medical issue such as an infection or earache.
  3. Arching Back Or Clenching Fists: These physical cues, along with persistent crying, can sometimes indicate discomfort or pain, such as from reflux or gastrointestinal issues.
  4. Change In Crying Pattern: If your baby’s crying suddenly changes in frequency, intensity, or duration, it’s essential to pay attention and consider seeking medical advice to rule out any potential concerns.
  5. Lack Of Responsiveness To Soothing: If your usual calming techniques are ineffective, or if your baby’s crying seems unusually intense or distressing, it’s important to seek professional evaluation to identify and address any underlying issues.

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Why Do Babies Wake Up & Start Crying?

Babies wake up and start crying for a multitude of reasons, often related to their developmental stage and immediate needs. Hunger is a common trigger, as babies’ tiny stomachs require frequent nourishment. Discomfort, such as from a wet diaper or clothing that’s too tight, can also rouse them from slumber. 

Additionally, babies may wake due to changes in their sleep cycles or the desire for comfort and reassurance, especially during periods of separation anxiety. Physical discomforts like teething pain or gas can further disrupt their sleep, prompting tears as they seek relief. 

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Tips For Soothing A Crying Baby

why do babies cry in their sleep

Nothing tugs at a parent’s heartstrings quite like the sound of their baby’s cry. Whether it’s due to hunger, discomfort, or simply a need for comfort, babies cry as their primary means of communication. 

Soothing a crying baby can be a challenging yet essential skill for caregivers. Here are some tips to help calm your little one and restore peace and tranquility:

  1. Check Basic Needs: Before diving into soothing techniques, ensure your baby’s basic needs are met. Is their diaper clean? Are they hungry or thirsty? Addressing these needs can often alleviate crying quickly.
  2. Comforting Touch: Gentle, rhythmic stroking or cuddling can provide immense comfort to a crying baby. Skin-to-skin contact, known as kangaroo care, can also be particularly soothing for both baby and parent.
  3. Soothing Sounds: Soft, repetitive sounds like white noise, gentle lullabies, or the rhythmic hum of a fan can mimic the comforting sounds of the womb and help calm a fussy baby.
  4. Rocking Or Swinging: The gentle motion of rocking or swaying can have a calming effect on babies. Try rocking them in your arms, using a rocking chair, or even a baby swing to help lull them into relaxation.
  5. Pacifiers: Offering a pacifier can provide non-nutritive sucking comfort, soothing your baby and helping them relax. However, it’s essential to ensure it’s safe and age-appropriate.
  6. Baby Massage: Delicate massage techniques, such as gentle strokes on their back or tummy, can help release tension and promote relaxation in your baby.
  7. New Surroundings: Occasionally, a change of scenery can be incredibly effective.  Take your baby for a short walk outdoors or move to a quieter room to reduce stimuli and help them calm down.
  8. Try Swaddling: Swaddling your baby snugly in a lightweight blanket can recreate the secure feeling of being in the womb, providing comfort and reducing fussiness.
  9. Stay Calm & Reassuring: Babies can pick up on their caregiver’s emotions, so staying calm and reassuring can help them feel safe and secure, even during moments of distress.
  10. Trust Your Instincts: Every baby is unique, so don’t be afraid to try different soothing techniques and trust your instincts as a parent. What works for one baby may not work for another, so be patient and persistent in finding what brings comfort to your little one.

Related: Newborn Baby Care 1st Month: 10 Must-Know Early Days Tips

When To Seek Professional Help? SOCC’s Care

When babies cry in their sleep, it can be a distressing experience for parents. Understanding why babies cry in their sleep is crucial, and seeking professional help is essential when concerns arise. SOCC (Second Opinion Online Consultation for Children) offers a valuable resource for parents in such situations.

Through SOCC, parents can access online consultations with pediatric experts from the comfort of their homes, regardless of their location globally.

Our team of pediatric specialists is equipped to provide insights into why babies cry in their sleep and offer guidance on how to address any underlying issues. With SOCC, parents can receive expert advice and support, ensuring the best care for their child’s well-being.

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1. Why Do Babies Suddenly Cry In Sleep?

Babies may suddenly cry in their sleep due to various reasons like discomfort, dreams, or transitioning between sleep stages, which can be part of their natural sleep development process.

2. What To Do When A Baby Cries In Sleep?

When a baby cries in their sleep, gently check for common discomforts like hunger or a wet diaper. Offer soothing reassurance through gentle touch or softly speaking to them, but avoid fully waking them unless necessary for comfort or feeding.

3. Can Babies Have Bad Dreams?

Yes, babies can have bad dreams, although they might not recall them as they lack the cognitive development to process and remember such experiences fully.


why do babies cry in their sleep

In conclusion, the phenomenon of babies crying in their sleep is a normal part of infancy, often reflecting their developing brains and bodies. While it can be distressing for parents, understanding the various reasons behind these cries can help alleviate concerns and guide responsive caregiving. 

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