0-2 Month Child
General Stimulation
- Maintain eye to eye contact
- Help the baby turn his head to sound & light
- Talk & sing to the baby while bathing, dressing, feeding
- Provide different sounds like rattle, bell
- Humming in soft voice
- Keep the baby in well lighted room
- Shine mobile, color balls & hang bright clothes
- Put the baby on different surfaces like soft clothes, mattresses, rubber mat, mother’s lap etc.
- Support the head & gently rock the child avoiding sudden jerky movement
2-4 Month Child
General Stimulation
- Hold the baby at the shoulder
- Place things just out of reach of the baby. Stimulate him to reach out & grasp the object
- Give sound producing toys
- Talk to the child more frequently
- Point out the names of objects shown to the child
- Hang bright objects about 30 cm above the crib – Maintain eye contact while talking to the child
- Give the child paper to crumble & things to bite & suck
- Place the child on a rubber mat on the ground allowing him to move freely
4-6 Month Child
General Stimulation
- Sit the baby in the mother’s lap & ask her to gently bounce her knees singing songs
- Place the child flat on the back on the ground over a soft surface. Show him a colorful toy.
- Slowly turn him by flexing the far away leg. Assist him to turn over the tummy.
- Show an attractive toy & encourage the child to reach out
- Put your hands under the child’s feet & move his legs up & down like pedaling a cycle
- Shake a bell or a squeaky toy over the head of the baby. Encourage him to turn his head & locate the sound
6-8 Month Child
- Call the child by his name
- Make the child sit as long as possible, giving support to the pelvis
- Give him pieces of paper to tear
- Encourage him to roll over his tummy by showing him colorful toys on one side
8-10 Month Child
- Make the child stand by holding on to the furniture
- Encourage the child to clap his hands
- Give him small container & ask to drop small things into it
- Encourage him to produce monosyllables
- Show him picture books & assist to turn pages
10-12 Month Child
- Let the child play with other children
- Name the body parts while bathing him
- Take the child on a walk & show him different animals & birds
- Do simple actions like clapping ,bye-bye & copying these actions.
- Encourage him to pull to stand by holding on to furniture
- Make the child sit in front of a mirror so that he can see himself
12-15 Month Child
- Give picture books to the child.talk about what you see & let him turn the pages
- Ask him to put cubes one over the other
- Ask him to put things into the contair & then take out things out of the containter
- Hide a small toy under a cloth.encourage the baby to find the hidden toy
- Ask the child to scribble by drawing a few lines