3 Month Child
- Legs not yet strong enough for holding weight when standing.
- Will hold rattle for a few moments, but cannot usually look at it, at the same time.
- Can hold head up for several seconds.
- Head and chest lifts when lying on tummy.
- Rests weight on hands.
- Grabs at surface with hands.
- Hands open.
- Arm movements are symmetrical.
- Movements generally smoother.
- Visually alert, and follows adults with eyes, moves head.
- Shows eagerness when offered milk.
- Hand play.
- Loves to look at hands.
- Presses palms together, and clasps hands.
- Stops crying to sound of rattle.
- Makes noises when happy.
- Turns head to sound.
- Will suck lips at sounds of feed preparation.
- Shows excitement at sounds, which he likes. Running bath water etc.
- Quietens to sound of familiar voice.
- Shows pleasure when handled, and talked to.
- Shows distress at loud noises.
- Stares at parent or carer when being fed.
- Reacts happily to familiar situations.
- Enjoys bath and other routine activities.
- Smiles.
6 Month Child
- Moves arms purposefully.
- Lifts head and chest up higher now, when lying on tummy.
- Rests weight on outstretched arms and flat palms.
- Will pull himself to sit when hands are held.
- Will lift head up when lying on back.
- Plays with feet when lying on back.
- Sits upright supported.
- Kicks legs alternately.
- Will take weight on legs when held. Bounces. Rolls over.
- Visually alert, and follows adults with eyes, moves head.
- Shows eagerness when offered milk.
- Hand play.
- Loves to look at hands.
- Presses palms together, and clasps hands.
- Starts to make tuneful double or single syllable sounds, eg ‘muh-muh’.
- Laughs to self while playing, also screams with delight and with irritation.
- Turns to where familiar voice comes from. Listens to voice.
- Manipulates toys very well.
- Watches them at the same time.
- Loves rattles and will grab for one when offered.
- Then shakes it deliberately.
- Holds hands up to be lifted.
- Touches breast or bottle when being fed.
- Becomes unfriendly to strangers at about 7 months.
- Is still friendly with strangers unless startled or familiar adult isn’t there.
- Loves ‘Rough and Tumble’ play.
9 Month Child
- Rolls along, wriggles and may crawl.
- Leans forward to pick up a toy easily.
- Attempts to walk along when hands are held.
- Pulls to standing. But will not be able to lower himself back down.
- Falls down.
- Sits up unsupported.
- Recognises names.
- Starts to master pincer grasp (holds small objects between thumb and forefinger).
- Points at books and pictures.
- Still learns about objects by putting them into mouth.
- Drops toy deliberately but cannot actually place it down.
- Laughs before action toys pop up remembering the action, Splashes in bath deliberately.
- Babbles away to self, in melodically repetitive syllables, eg ‘Mamamama’.
- Copies simple sounds.
- Shouts for attention, waits and repeats.
- Knows the meaning of ‘bye’ and ‘NO!’
- Learning to communicate through sounds.
- Offers toys to adults, but only drops toy into hand. Cannot place.
- Recognises family members.
- Copies facial expressions.
- Loves peek-a-boo, and may join in.
- Offers toys to adults, but only drops toy into hand. Cannot place.
- Clingy to familiar adult, and unfriendly to strangers.
- Watches with continued interest for a few minutes.
12 Month Child
- Call the child by his name
- Make the child sit as long as possible, giving support to the pelvis
- Give him pieces of paper to tear
- Encourage him to roll over his tummy by showing him colorful toys on one side
15 Month Child
- Make the child stand by holding on to the furniture
- Encourage the child to clap his hands
- Give him small container & ask to drop small things into it
- Encourage him to produce monosyllables
Show him picture books & assist to turn pages
2 Year Child
- Let the child play with other children
- Name the body parts while bathing him
- Take the child on a walk & show him different animals & birds
- Do simple actions like clapping ,bye-bye & copying these actions
- Encourage him to pull to stand by holding on to furniture
- Make the child sit in front of a mirror so that he can see himself
3 Year Child
- Give picture books to the child, talk about what you see & let him turn the pages
- Ask him to put cubes one over the other
- Ask him to put things into the contair & then take out things out of the containter
- Hide a small toy under a cloth.encourage the baby to find the hidden toy
- Ask the child to scribble by drawing a few lines
4 Year Child
- Give picture books to the child, talk about what you see & let him turn the pages
- Ask him to put cubes one over the other
- Ask him to put things into the contair & then take out things out of the containter
- Hide a small toy under a cloth.encourage the baby to find the hidden toy
- Ask the child to scribble by drawing a few lines
5 Year Child
- Give picture books to the child, talk about what you see & let him turn the pages
- Ask him to put cubes one over the other
- Ask him to put things into the contair & then take out things out of the containter
- Hide a small toy under a cloth.encourage the baby to find the hidden toy
- Ask the child to scribble by drawing a few lines